“Pokémon UNITE Winter Tournament 2023” is an official Pokémon UNITE tournament organized by JCG Co., Ltd., with the cooperation of The Pokémon Company.
1st and 2nd place in each tournament will be invited to an offline tournament held in Japan at a later date.
Only teams (5~6 players) can enter this online competition.
Please create a team of 5 or 6 players in advance and submit your entry.
Notice | We present winter tournament 2023-design |
Prize | The winning and runner-up team members |
Offline Tournament | Date:2023/02/04 (Sat)
Entry Deadline | 2022/12/14 (Wed) ~19:00 |
ResultsAnnouncement | 2022/12/15 (Thu) 17:00 (PLAN) |
About 2nd Entry | 2022/12/15 (Thu) 18:00 ~ (PLAN) |
TimeTable |
TeamLimit | Max 256 Teams |
RoundFormat |
Round Format: Custom Battle |
MatchFormat | Single Elimination Tournament Format |
Rules | Tournament Regulations HERE |